by Walter Last

Our muscles respond to many external as well as internal influences by becoming stronger or weaker. In muscle testing, the change in muscle strength is assessed before and during contact with a test item. This may be, for example, a food sample, a colour or a piece of material. Internal influences are our thoughts and feelings, which may either strengthen or weaken us.

The reason for the muscle changes can be explained by the influence the radiation of a tested sample has on the flow of bio-energies along the acupuncture-meridians. In the same way, our thoughts and emotions can change the flow of bio-energy. I have measured differences in muscle strength of up to 50 per cent during testing.

Most suitable methods for food testing are to place a sample in the mouth - chewing it for about 10 seconds - and also to hold a sample in one hand near the navel. Most non-food items can be tested near the navel or simply by touching with a hand.

How to Test

The simplest form of muscle testing requires a tester as well as the tested person. Almost any muscle can be used for testing, but I use the following method as the most convenient. The tested person sits with uncrossed legs, one arm held out to the side, elbow level with shoulder and bent at a right angle, place the free hand over the navel.

The tester presses just above the elbow to push it down. Press the arm lightly into the shoulder as well as toward the hip. If the tested person is very strong, the pressure may be straight down, or the arm may be fully extended and the pressure applied at the wrist. Increase the pressure gradually and with measured strength; feel and remember exactly the amount 'of pressure required to force the arm down. If both arms are too weak, you may test the legs.

During testing, the tester should keep the question in his or her mind 'Is the tested sample good or bad for the patient?' but should not expect a certain result. The preferences of the tested person seem to have little influence on the result.

Now the tested person takes a sample and holds it with the free hand just above the navel. After about 10 seconds, the tester presses the arm down and carefully notes any difference in resistance. If the result is doubtful, repeat the test with and without holding the sample. Often a difference is easier to detect if the arm is pressed down three times in succession.

Sometimes the tested person feels a pain or strain in the shoulder during a weakening test, even if the tester cannot notice a difference. This should be reported. Generally the quantity of food held is not critical; it may even remain in a container or plastic bag; however, avoid a coloured container or one of semi-rigid plastic.

If the patient is difficult to test, you may strengthen the arm immediately before each test by tracing the acupuncture meridian of the lung or of the glands (triple warmer); alternatively, test a leg. Another strengthening method is to tap the thymus gland (underneath the upper end of the breastbone) several times lightly with your fingers. This strengthens the immune system and in doing so reduces allergic reactions.

What to Test

In addition to foods, testing can be done on vitamins, herbs, drugs and even garments. You will find that synthetic fibres (especially nylon), many drugs, refined foods, chemical additives and incompatible colours are frequently weakening.

Food combinations may be assessed by holding them jointly during a test. Individual items may even remain in their separate containers. Samples that are strengthening individually may test weakening if held together, and vice versa. The test results may be influenced by what you have eaten beforehand. Also, when you are tired, fatigued or sick, many foods are weakening that at other times may be strengthening. Therefore, important items should be retested from time to time under varying conditions.

Use muscle testing frequently for all your food and supplement requirements. Supplements will test strengthening as long as they are required. Sometimes, muscle testing will indicate that an item should be omitted temporarily before it is used again, or that it should be taken in a lower dosage (for example, vitamin A). For assessing the amount to be taken per day, gradually increase the number of tablets or capsules held in the hand until the arm weakens. Take about 10-20 per cent less than this amount.

You may also try to find out whether your usual sleeping location is safe. Perform a muscle test while lying in the usual sleeping position on the bed. If the arm is weaker than with a test in another part of the bed or the room then you may have to change your sleeping location.

Even thoughts and feelings may be tested. A positive thought and a good feeling may be strengthening quite generally to all muscles, although the main strengthening effect may be on one particular muscle. Negative thoughts or unpleasant feelings, on the other hand, may produce a general weakening and also a particular muscle to become very weak when tested. Mental testing may be used to explore your subconscious beliefs, feelings and body reactions.

Instead of testing the safety of your bed while actually lying on it, you may use mental testing to find out whether your bed is situated over underground radiation that is detrimental to your health. While your partner tests your muscle strength, imagine lying or sleeping in the bed. Then imagine an underground stream and harmful radiation underneath the bed. If the arm is stronger when imagining the usual sleeping arrangement but weaker with the imagined stream, then your bed is likely to be in a good spot, otherwise continue the test by imagining sleeping in a different location until the test becomes strong.

Another possibility is surrogate testing. You may use this for a small child or anyone who cannot be tested directly. If you want to know whether a certain food is good for the child, place the food on the child’s abdomen; at the same time touch the child with one hand and extend the other arm for your partner to test.

Finally, you may develop a method of self-testing. One possibility is as follows: press the tips of the thumb and one finger of the left or right hand together to form a loop. With the index finger of the other hand hook behind the joined fingertips, and with a quick move try to pull it through. Adjust the pressure of the joined fingers and the force of the pulling index finger so that you cannot pull it through when the answer is ‘yes’ or ‘good’; but when the answer is ‘no’ or ‘bad’ the joined fingers become weaker and can more easily be opened. When you can do this successfully with known answers, you can test food samples in your mouth or on your abdomen, and also try mental testing.

Vitamin and Mineral Testing

M, Grimm and W. Fishman developed the following method to assess vitamin or mineral deficiencies by holding certain contact points on the body. The tested person applies a light pressure on the contact point with a pad formed by the first three fingers of the free hand, while the other arm is tested for muscle strength. Start by testing the muscle strength without touching the body with the free hand, and then repeat the test while touching the specified contact point.

The contact points for the main vitamins and minerals are as follows.

Vitamin A: right eyelid

B vitamins: tip of tongue

Vitamin C: just below left collarbone, 5 cm from mid-chest

Vitamin D: midway point of left groin

Vitamin F: just below right collarbone, 5 cm from mid-chest

Calcium: just above left collarbone, 5 cm from mid-chest

Iodine: just below Adam's apple

lron: midway point of the right groin

Magnesium: middle of the navel

Phosphorus: midway between pubic bone and left hipbone

Potassium: hollow of right cheek

Zinc: midway between pubic bone and right hipbone

For more information see Muscle Response Test by M. Grimm and W. Fishman.

Touch for Health

Some influences - nutrients, colours, thoughts and emotions -affect certain muscles more than others. In addition, organ functions can be tested with specific muscles. If the muscle is weak, it indicates a weak organ function. Meridian tracement may be used to strengthen a weak muscle or organ. Some useful organ and muscle tests, as used in Touch for Health by J. F. Thie and M. Marks, are given below.

Adrenals: Lie face up, with one leg up and bent so that the foot is over the other leg just below the knee; the tester presses against the heel and the top of the knee to straighten the leg.

Brain, Mental Stress: Hold an arm straight, about 15 degrees away from the body, slightly sideways; the tester presses the forearm towards the groin.

Circulation/Sex: Lie on one side, with the upper leg straight, raised as high as possible; the tester presses the ankle down.

Gall bladder: Lie face up, holding the arm straight 45 degrees above the leg, palm downward; the tester presses the forearm down.

Heart: Hold the upper arm to the side, level with the shoulder, with the elbow bent at 90 degrees and the forearm down; the tester steadies the elbow and pulls against the wrist to pull the hand forward and upward.

Kidneys: Lie face up, with one leg raised at 45 degrees, slightly towards the side, with the foot turned out; the tester presses the inside of the ankle down and inward.

Large Intestine: As for the kidneys, but with the foot turned in; the tester presses the ankle down and inward.

Liver: Hold the arm straight forward, level with the shoulder, slightly sideways, with the palm outward (thumb towards feet); the tester presses the forearm upward and outward.

Lungs: Hold the arm to the side, elbow level with the shoulder and bent at 90 degrees, forearm horizontal; the tester presses the elbow down.

Neck and Sinuses: Lie with the arms above the shoulders, head up, chin down; the tester presses against the forehead.'

Pancreas: Hold the arm straight down touching the side, with the thumb towards the body, the tester pulls the forearm away from the side. This is a good test to perform while shopping, the tested person touching a questionable food item.

Small Intestine: Sit on the floor with closed straight legs, hands on opposite shoulders, lean back slightly; pressure is against the crossed arms.

Spleen: Lie face up, with the arm straight to the side, palm upward; the tester pushes the back of the wrist off the ground.

Stomach: Hold the arm as for the liver; the tester presses downward and outward.

Generally, the tester's free hand is used to stabilise the tested person's body so that only the tested limb moves, not the whole body. Both arms and legs may be tested.

Disclaimer: The aim of this web site is to provide information on using natural healing methods to aid in the treatment of illness and health improvement.
The author cannot accept any legal responsibility for any problem arising from experimenting with these methods. For any serious disease,
or if you are unsure about a particular course of action, seek the help of a competent health professional.

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